Queensland University Musical Society
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About QUMS
Established in 1912, QUMS (pronounced kwums) is a non-auditioned choir, based at the University of Queensland, for both students of the university and members of the general public. We offer a friendly environment in which music lovers of all ages and from all walks of life can enjoy singing a variety of works. We perform music of all genres and eras, renaissance to modern, in a wide range of venues across Brisbane. QUMS is one of the few non-auditioned choirs in Brisbane.
QUMS generally performs two major concerts each year in conjunction with the university semesters. We also perform in smaller events as they occur including co-operative events with other musical organisations. We typically have one major activity for the end of the year, usually carolling in shopping centres and other locations. In recent years these have included Westfield Garden City, The Treasury Casino, and the Queen Street Mall. QUMS is often hired for Weddings, Functions, Special Events and other Occasions.
On the social side of our activities QUMS has frequent events throughout the year for members to partake in. These include events such as QUMSians' Day Out, Rehearsal Camps, Post Concert Parties and the end of year formal Academic Dinner. Post-rehearsal coffee follows rehearsal every week at either a local coffee shop or a QUMSian's house.
As we are a non-auditioned choir, we accept members of all ages and musical ability. Members do not need to be affiliated with the University of Queensland to join. If you're interested in joining, you can come along to a rehearsal!
QUMS acknowledges the continuing support of the University of Queensland Union, of which we are an affiliate society.
QUMS is grateful for the support of the Brisbane City Lord Mayor's Community Fund.