Queensland University Musical Society
powered by TidyHQSemester One 2017 - "Celestial"
Semester One 2017 - "Celestial"
Our first major concert for 2017 was held at the end of semester one.
"Celestial" explored music through Space and Time with contemporary choral works including pieces by Gjeilo, Ešenvalds, Westacott, Bowie, and Pentatonix.
Our guest artist for this concert was the Bellissimo ensemble from the Brisbane Bells (handbells). Robert Woodhouse also lent us his fine voice for poetry and narration.
QUMS was primarily conducted by Elspeth Sutherland, our Musical Director. Our Associate Musical Director, Joshua Blake, also conducted several pieces.
QUMS - first bracket
Bright Stars, by Stephen Leek
Northern Lights, by Ola Gjeilo
Then Came the Sound, by Graeme Westacott - world premiere
Poem: I Know the Stars, by Sara Teasdale
Stars, by Ēriks Ešenvalds (with the Bells accompanying)
Kepler’s Dream, by Bruce Stewart
Bellissimo - guest bracket
Metamorphosis, a set of variations based on the Dies Irae, by Michael Helman
Be Still My Soul, an arrangement of Finlandia by Cynthia Dobrinski
Carillon, by Dean Wagner
QUMS - second bracket
Earth Seen From Above, from ATLAS: an opera in three parts, by Meredith Monk (with additional words from Russell Schweickart, the first astronaut to conduct an unattached spacewalk)
Poem: Ah Moon - and Star!, by Emily Dickinson
Bright Morning Star, traditional folk song arranged by The Wailin’ Jennys
Star Wars - John Williams is the Man, by John Williams, arranged by Moosebutter
Poem: The Moon, by Henry David Thoreau
Walking on the Moon, by Sting, arranged by Phillip Lawson
Space Oddity, by David Bowie, arranged by Jetse Bremer
Words from Riders on Earth Together, Brothers in Eternal Cold, by Archibald MacLeish
Take Me Home, by Pentatonix